
Soulsword, Magik

Magik (Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina) showed mystic abilities at a young age. Consequently, Belasco took her against her will to Limbo, a magical dimension where he ruled supreme. Belasco then tried to corrupt her, so that she would be under his control. However, Ororo and Shadowcat hoped to foil his plan — by secretly training Magik in magic and fighting skills. Ororo is a white mage, while Shadowcat is Magik's friend. 

Belasco enticing Illyana with power

Magik willed the Soulsword into existence by channeling her desire to defeat Belasco and escape from Limbo. She was then able to summon the sword anytime and anywhere. As its name implies, the Soulsword has part of Magik’s soul. While it looked plain at first, its abilities and design grows more complex as Magik becomes more powerful. Magic-users fear the Soulsword, as it is very effective against magic. However, it could also be wielded like a normal sword. 

Soon after, Magik defeated Belasco. Consequently, she was recognized by Limbo's demonic inhabitants as their ruler. Unfortunately, Magik was motivated by violence when she created the Soulsword — causing it to be corrupted. Over time, the corruption spread to Magik’s mind and soul, weakening her powers. The demons took advantage of her weakened state — by changing her into a six-year-old child.

Shadowcat hands the Soulsword to Amanda Sefton

Vulnerable, Magik entrusted the Soulsword to Shadowcat. However, the sword's powers led many mutants fought over its possession. Doctor Doom and Darkmoor tried to seize it from Shadowcat, but failed. Unfortunately, Shadowcat lost the sword to Belasco in his bid to retake Limbo. In the end, Magik II  (Amanda Sefton) defeated Belasco, thus acquiring the Soulsword. At one point, Nightcrawler even kept it in his body for safekeeping.

Meanwhile, a mutant plague took Magik's life. However her soul remained intact in the afterlife. It wasn't long before she revived — and reclaimed the Soulsword as her own. 



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