
Sword of Kahless, the first bat’leth

The batl’leth is one of the most uniquely designed swords. It does not consist of a blade per se. Instead, it is made up of a horizontal crescent-shaped blade with two killing ends. It measures around 3 feet in length and weighs around 11 pounds. The typical hilt is replaced by handholds along the inner side of the bat’leth.

Klingon warriors

Due to its design, the bat’leth is considered a very versatile weapon. Consequently, it requires a sword style that is focused more on defense — based on the principles of movement, reaction and form. Its width also allows the user to cover a wider frontage compared to a typical sword. The bat’leth is valued for its sturdiness, and made from a reinforced metal called baakonite. However, since it is a short-ranged melee weapon, the bat’leth is at a disadvantage against weapons with a longer reach, such as spears and staves.

The bat’leth, or ‘sword of honor’, was 
used almost exclusively by Klingon warriors. In the 8th century, a powerful tyrant called Molor ruled over the Klingon home-world of Qo’nos. In order to defeat him, Kahless the Unforgettable — later known as ‘the greatest Klingon warrior of them all’ — needed a mighty weapon. As such, he forged the first bat’leth by heating a lock of his hair in the Kri’stak Volcano, then quenching it in the Lake of Lursor. 

Kahless was unstoppable w
ith the Sword of Kahless in hand. He freed Qo’nos from Molor’s rule and established the Klingon Empire. After Kahless' death, the Sword of Kahless became one of the most valuable Klingon relics. Unfortunately, in the 14th century, Qo’nos fell to a Hur'q invasion. In the chaos, someone stole the Sword of Kahless.

a typical bat’leth

Centuries later, after the Hur’q went extinct, the Klingons made attempts to recover the Sword of Kahless, but to no avail. There was a rumor that a group of Klingon explorers did in fact find it in a wrecked Hur’q spaceship. However, they decided it was best to leave it in the outer reaches of space. Having the Sword of Kahless would allow one to control the Klingon Empire. As such, the nobles would fight start a civil war so as to claim the sword. 

As to this day, the Sword of Kahless remains lost. 



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