Fire Smasher

Fire Smasher, wielded by the Red Ranger
The world is in peril yet again. Master Xandred sought to invade the living world with his Nighlok minions. Five teenagers were chosen as the next generation of heroes to battle the forces of darkness. They were the Power Rangers Samurai — with the Samurai Symbols of Power that manifested their inner strengths and gave them control over the Five Elements.

Emily, the Yellow Ranger

The Rangers wielded the Spin Sword as their weapon of choice. However, when a Ranger’s Samurai Disk is slotted into the hilt, the sword powers up into a weapon exclusive to that Ranger.

Jayden Shiba was the Red Ranger. He 
wielded the Fire Smasher, a fire-type greatsword, since he trained in swordsmanship since young. Previously, Lauren, Jayden's sister, was the Red Ranger, and the leader. She spent most of her childhood mastering the spell that would defeat Xandred. However, Lauren chose to hand over her duties to Jayden, since she believed he would do a better job. Thereafter, Jayden led the Rangers, while protecting his friends and carrying on his father’s legacy. The Fire Smasher symbolized his strength, courage and leadership.

Fire Smasher, cannon mode

Jayden was able to unleash powerful attacks with the Fire Smasher. For tougher foes, he could transform the sword into a cannon, using the Rangers' Samurai Disks as projectiles — to blow enemies to smithereens.

Jayden vs Deker

Deker was one of Jarden's greatest foes. Although Deker was once a human, he was cursed to live the rest of his life as a Nighlok. However, he finally found his salvation in Jayden. The two battled fiercely. In the end, Jayden killed Deker — thus ending his misery. 



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