

In Aon, the timeless war between good and evil finally reached a climax — as the God Kai and the Dark God Naar battled for dominion over Magnamund, the last neutral world. While Naar commanded the Darklords, Kai created the Sommlending, and endowed them with special powers. Also, the Sommlending had an artifact called the Sommerswerd, or the ‘Sword of the Sun’. It was forged by a mysterious race of supernatural beings, collectively called the Ancients.

As its name implies, the Sommerswerd shines golden in the presence of sunlight. As a weapon of good, it is only able to destroy evil — making it one of the few weapons capable of slaying a Darklord. However, only a Kai Lord can use the sword. They are warrior monks who have devoted their lives to mastering the spiritual and physical ways of combat, so as to defeat the Darklords.

Lone Wolf was the most well-known among Sommerswerd's users. Even before he was a Kai Lord, he had already proven his worth — by convincing Durenor, Sommerlund’s ally, to give the sword to him. 
After the Kai Lords were slaughtered by one of their own, Lone Wolf was the only one left able to wield the Sommerswerd. The sword was invaluable in his journeys, as he fended off the Darklords' attacks while seeking out the Kai Lords' arcane knowledge.

Gnaag, the fourth Archlord

Indeed, Lone Wolf was the first one to reach the rank of 'Kai Grand Master'. As such, he was granted divine powers by Kai. Armed with the Sommerswerd, he went on to fight against the forces of Naar — and single-handedly defeated three Archlords of the Darklords. Thereafter, he reestablished the Kai Order, in a bid to destroy Naar once and for all.



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